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Access To Law

Access To Law

At The College of Legal Practice, we are driven by our passion to help contribute towards improving access to the legal profession. Our goal is to assist aspiring solicitors progress in the profession in various ways, such as closing the knowledge gap by offering career-related resources and events, providing information about available funding options, encouraging representation and inclusion, and much more. We invite you to explore the sections below to discover more.


Career Guidance
Relevant real-life career guidance to help aspiring solicitors break into and progress in the industry


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Funding options
Sharing various funding and scholarship options that are available to students


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Diversity and Inclusion
Encouraging and supporting representation and inclusion within the legal profession


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Becoming a Solicitor 
What is life like as a solicitor and is this career path right for you? Explore this and more here


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Secrets to SQE success 
Explore our first-hand tips, tricks and secrets of students who have taken the SQE assessments


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Life as a solicitor
We sit with lawyers who share what their experiences are like in their field
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My supervisor gave me lots of pastoral support and helped me rearrange family duties, like increasing the number of days my son attended nursery, so I could get more time to focus on the course.


Student at The College of Legal Practice

Applications open for SQE preparation courses and LLM in Legal Practice

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