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SQE Scholarships 

The College is pleased to offer SQE scholarship places to students to support their progress to becoming a solicitor.

The College is deeply committed to increasing access to the solicitor profession and we recognise the increasing financial pressures that students are facing when considering and taking the SQE. We know that many students face multiple barriers to taking the SQE and progressing their legal career, due to either their background, experiences, discrimination or lack of funding.

The College currently has 21 scholarship students at present studying for the SQE with us.

This commitment is in addition to scholarship places offered within the Law Society Diversity Access Scheme and Birmingham Law Society Diversity Scheme. The students eligible for a SQE scholarship need to meet a specific criteria and demonstrate through an application process their commitment to becoming a solicitor.



Read about our last successful scholarship holders

Find out more



APPLICATIONS closed - thank you for applying

The College has completed their scholarship round for 2024 and offered five fully-funded SQE scholarships.

The criteria for this year was based on:

  • Funding need
  • Representation and barriers to access and progression in the legal profession
  • Academic performance and commitment to becoming a solicitor


This criteria is reviewed every year by the leadership team at the College.

The timing for the next scholarship round in 2025 will be finalised early in 2025.



In addition to our scholarships, we have additional funding options and helpful details available here.


Got a question about scholarships and our SQE prep courses?



Published July 2024.

The information on this page was correct at the time of publishing.